Location Ideas

Ideal places to record my music video:


    Image result for holton heath abandoned
  • Abandoned buildings
  • This is an ideal place to shoot some of my music video because it's rundown and 'edgy' which fits the theme most metalcore music video locations are.
  • After visiting here in the summer and briefly recording some parts of my video, I am going to go back and shoot more.

Image result for delph woods dark
  • This is one of my favourite places to go for walks, camping and just relaxing and so I know it quite well. This makes it a perfect place to record parts of my music video
  • In the day: juxtaposing scenes with brightness and life
  • Towards the evening: natural dark/creepy shots
  • Plenty of trees to have towards the end of my music video to be 'worshipped' and danced round
  • Easy to get to and very accessible 24 hours a day
  • Follows the codes of a metalcore video with nature, forests and streams

Image result for alley way behind poole high school
  • Alleyways are a stereotypical dark setting, in films most criminal acts, such as muggings, murders or kidnappings, occur in alleyways at night.
  • Near to where I live, there's an alleyway that, at night, is somewhat creepy
  • Towards the end of it there's a large fence with graffiti all over it - this is an ideal place to shoot some longer frames for my music video

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